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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 140

Rita's eyes widened as she stared at the photo of Kaleb on the computer screen,

"Wow! Dad's so hot!"

Ian turned off the computer, thinking to himself, “What good is being handsome! He's a good-for-nothing, not good enough for Mom!”

"Ian! When are we going to find Dad? Do you think he'd be happy to know about us?" Rita fantasized about her dad, as Violette had never bad-mouthed him in front of them.

Whenever Rita asked who their dad was, she would patiently tell her daughter, "You don't have a dad."

Ian lay back down on his bed, staring at the ceiling, and quietly said, "No."

Rita was a bit upset and asked in despair, "Why? We're not asking him for money, just want him to spend some time with us!"

Ian said, "Go to sleep."

Rita was sulky and said, "I can't sleep. I want Dad."

Ian was disappointed in 'Dad' and thus was down and out of patience, "Shut up."

Finally, Rita quieted down.

She could sense that her brother was upset, so she stretched out her little arm, hugged him, and said gently, "Sorry, I didn't mean to piss you off. If you don't want to find Dad, then I won't either."

Ian pushed her arm away, his tone much cooler, "Wait for my signal."

Rita happily hugged her brother again, "Okay, I'll do as you say!"


Master bedroom.

Violette stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the bustling night view outside, her expression somewhat blank.

Four years had passed in a blink, and it seemed like everything had changed, yet nothing had.

For instance, she and Elijah hadn't been in contact for four years, but their relationship was still legally intact.

Elijah hadn't signed the divorce papers.

She dialed her lawyer's number, and soon, the call was answered.


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