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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 147

"She still looks as young and beautiful as four years ago, but her personality has changed significantly."

Joey told Elijah about her recent encounter with Violette, "Now she's more calm and decisive, definitely has that rich people vibe. I don't know how she made so much money in four years."

"The information I found in B Country shows that she co-founded a company called AN Tech three years ago, mainly producing and selling drones. she used Blake's system, but I heard it wasn't perfect, so she must have had someone help her improve it. Otherwise, her drones wouldn't sell so well."

Brandon said, pulling out a bunch of documents.

"Violette's not the helpless little girl she was four years ago."

Joey said, "I never thought she was helpless. She might have been broke four years ago, but she was determined. That's why she pissed off the Boss so much."

Brandon said, "That's true. Now she's wealthy! Even if we price the Dennis Group building at a billion, she could afford it."

Joey looked at the silent Elijah and asked, "Boss, are you going to sell it? She seems interested."

Elijah looked away from the computer screen and said coldly, "Let her come to me."

Next afternoon In a high-end restaurant.

A man and a woman were sitting by the window.

The man was Kaleb, and the woman was the daughter of a wealthy family in the city.

"My uncle is Elijah, and I meet with him every week. He and my dad are good friends," Kaleb said confidently, "If we're together, I can take you to meet him."

The woman asked, "why don't you work at your uncle's Bourne Group?"

Kaleb replied, "I want to rely on myself and prove my abilities."

"So, how many girlfriends have you had?"

Kaleb said, "Two. One during college and one after graduation. I haven't been in a relationship for four years because I've been too busy with work."


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