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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 15

The calcium tablets that pregnant women took were the same as those taken by the elderly or those lacking calcium.

So, the bottle just said calcium tablets.

"Do you tell everyone every single pill you take?" Violette's face was red as a beet, but her tone was quite calm.

After saying that, she immediately fled the scene.

She took the calcium tablets back to her room, tucked them into a drawer, and then went to the bathroom to wash her face.

She had to act fast. If she didn't leave ASAP, her secret would eventually be exposed.

Her prenatal check-up reports were all in the room. If Elijah decided to snoop around her room, he'd know the truth.

Of course, she knew that while Elijah was a bit nutty, he wasn't a creep who would search her room.

And if he didn't file for divorce, she couldn't divorce him either.

After all, she had accepted the Bourne family's generous wedding gifts.

She sat on the edge of the bed, her mind buzzing with chaotic thoughts, even forgetting her hunger.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

Snapping back to reality, she walked to the door and opened it.

"Madam, the master is back. You should have something to eat," Lacey said kindly.

Her nerves slightly eased. Everyone in the mansion, except for Elijah, was kind to her.

Perhaps because she was young, they all looked after her.

She followed Lacey to the dining room where the food was already on the table.

"Lacey, I can't eat all this. Come join me!"

Lacey laughed, "Madam, you eat as much as you want. There are rules in this house, I can't cross the line."

"Do you have kids?" Violette felt more relaxed without Elijah around.

"Yes, my child is in college now, about your age. Madam, why do you ask?"

Violette smiled coyly, her cheeks flushed, "I heard pregnancy changes your figure, but you look great!"

"Indeed, I didn't have much appetite when I was pregnant, and I didn't weigh more than 120 pounds even when I gave birth, so my figure didn't change much."

"So, your belly didn't look that big when you were pregnant, right?"

"Exactly! When I was seven or eight months pregnant, I looked like I was only five or six months pregnant. With slightly loose clothes, no one could tell I was pregnant."

Hearing this, Violette got an idea.

She only ate a small bowl of rice and then stopped.

She needed to keep her figure and make her belly as inconspicuous as possible.

"Madam, why aren't you eating?" Lacey noticed she stopped eating after a little and felt something was off.

Violette said, "I'm not hungry. From now on, just leave a little for me at dinner. I'm afraid of gaining weight."

"You're not fat at all."

"I don't like to exercise much, so I prefer to control my diet."

After leaving the dining room, she went back to her room and took out her last prenatal check-up report.

The doctor had written the time for the next prenatal check-up on the report, which was due when she was three months pregnant, and she needed to establish a file at the hospital.

Looking at the date written on the report, she realized it was tomorrow.

She lay in bed, gently stroking her abdomen, trying to feel the baby's presence, but she felt no changes.

Although she didn't experience frequent vomiting after becoming pregnant, her appetite was not as good as before.

She had lost some weight recently, and sometimes her abdomen even looked flatter when she hadn't eaten.



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