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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 158

After Violette hung up the phone, she hurried home.

She really couldn't understand why her son would bring a woman home!

Usually, Ian wouldn't interact with anyone other than their family.

Let alone bringing someone home.

So, who is this woman that he brought home?

What's so special about her? Could she change Ian's personality?

When Violette got home and saw this woman.

She felt the strength in her body being instantly drained!

"Violette, you're back!" Albina came to the door, saw her daughter's pale face, and immediately helped her. "What's wrong?"

Violette's eyes stared straight at Makayla, as if trying to find all the answers on her face!

This woman with a princess haircut and wearing a pink princess dress had only existed in her imagination!

She never thought she'd see her in person one day!

Even more unexpected was that her son brought her back!

Why? What's her purpose?

Is it for Elijah?

Violette couldn't figure because she had already divorced Elijah today!

She and Elijah would no longer have any relationship!

This woman had no reason to come here!

"Mom, you go back to your room and rest first! I'll talk to her alone!" Violette calmly said to her mother.

Albina could see her daughter knew this woman.

Moreover, their relationship was not good.

But Albina didn't understand how her daughter could have a conflict with a mental retardation woman.


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