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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 171

"Why'd you bring family along for our little outing?" Odette poured a drink and handed it to her. "What were you up to last night? You've got some serious dark circles, looks like you pulled an all-nighter."

Violette raised her glass and took a small sip, "I was up late watching movies!"

"I don't buy it. You look like you're faking that smile." Odette asked, "Are you still missing Elijah?"

Violette almost spat out her drink, "Odette, do you think I'm an idiot?"

Odette nodded, "Well, you're loaded, but you do look kinda dumb."

In another corner of the restaurant...

Brandon grabbed a bottle and poured a drink for Elijah.

This was the fanciest restaurant close to the hospital.

"Elijah, I'm not gonna pry about you and Makayla. I called you out here to have a drink with me," said Brandon. "So, is that Dr. Sarah really as amazing as you say?"

Elijah lifted his glass and took a sip, "She performed surgery on Makayla, but she hasn't woken up yet."

"Oh... If it works, how much are you planning to pay her?" asked Brandon, curiosity in his eyes.

"Whatever she wants."

"What if she doesn't want money, but wants you instead?" Brandon proposed his own theory. "Violette can't accept you having Makayla in your heart, but some women don't care, like Melinda. If Dr. Sarah doesn't mind and just wants to be with you, what will you do?"

Elijah glanced at Brandon, "She lives and works abroad. She's just here on vacation."

"If you'd marry her, she could totally give up her life and work overseas," said Brandon. "You're just too irresistible to women."

"Dr. Sarah isn't like that," Elijah said firmly.

Brandon nodded and didn't mention Sarah again.

"Elijah, see that table over there? Isn't that woman Odette?" Brandon pointed in a direction. "And the woman across from her, her back looks a bit like Violette's."

After saying this, he got up and walked over.


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