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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 175

Just that, she was holding a little girl, with another kid in tow with her other hand.

He was starting to think he'd got it all wrong.

From the surveillance footage, he couldn't make out the woman's face.

He was starting to suspect this woman, who looked awfully like Violette, wasn't Violette at all!

Why else would she be with two kids?

He knew Violette didn't have any!

He watched the security footage over and over again.

Each time he watched it, his suspicions grew! The more he watched it, the clearer his mind seemed to get!

He saved this small clip onto his computer, then shut his laptop.

It was too late now, and he can't figure out who the woman and the kids in the footage were.

When morning came, he's got to ask Violette about this!

At six in the morning, Makayla woke up.

Once she had awake, she got out of her sickbed

, walked over to the bed where Elijah was, and lightly touched his hand.


Elijah suddenly opened his eyes.

"Elijah, let's get out of here." Makayla didn't wanna stay in the hospital anymore; she wanted to leave.

Elijah immediately got up.

He probably only got an hour of sleep

, and he felt dizzy.

But Makayla insisted on leaving, and he's gotta take her out of there or she'll get antsy.

Considering her intelligence had improved after the operation, he decided to take her home.

Half an hour later, Makayla looked at the Bourne family villa and curiously asked, “Elijah, what's this place?”

“This is my home. Would you like to live here with me from now on?” Elijah asked her.


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