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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 181

She's gotta figure out a way to fix Makayla right now

, which was the only way she can stick around Elijah longer.

Melinda was so pissed off, her eyes bright red, e

specially when Sarah mentioned "boyfriend."

But Melinda can't do a thing about her!

She could only strut away in her high heels.

Sarah watched her back and sneered, "Loser! Can't take a punch!"

The Dennis Group.

Violette's busy with the recruitment of different departments.

Although a lot of the old staff came back, since the business was different from before, they need to recruit some experienced people.

Mike said he would fly over to help today; she could probably relax a bit after he arrived.

"Violette, are we gonna hire a celebrity to endorse?" suggested the planning department head after discussing the marketing and publicity work with Violette.

Violette shook her head: "Nah."

"It's trendy now to co-promote with famous YouTubers..."

Violette, "No need. Our products will speak for themselves."

The director was a bit puzzled, "So we're not doing any publicity?"

Violette, "That's not what I mean. Publicity is necessary, just not with celebrities or internet influencers."

The director nodded his head, "So how do we publicize?"

Violette put down the documents in her hand and said, "We invite professionals in the field to promote. If our products are irreplaceable, sales will naturally go up."

The director understood this principle, but since he had not seen the product yet, he was a bit worried, "Are you this confident?"

Violette smiled, "I can't answer that right now. We'll see when the product comes out."

The director nodded his head.


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