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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 204

Albina strode towards Elijah.

Seeing Albina approaching, Elijah took the initiative to speak up: "Hi, Albina."

Albina's face was cold: "Did Violette invite you?"


"Then what are you here for? You and Violette are divorced, so please don't disturb our lives." Albina's attitude was very tough, and this was her family's home, so Elijah's uninvited presence was quite rude.

Elijah glanced at the closed gate of the villa and then at Albina's face, feeling like there was a stone stuck in his throat, "Sorry for the disturbance."

He couldn't just barge into Violette's house.

As he left, he caught a glimpse of someone moving behind the bushes nearby.

No doubt, that was Violette's daughter.

He really wanted to see Violette's daughter, but not like this.

After he left, Rita came out of the bushes, panting.

"Grandma! What was my dad here for?"

Albina took Rita's little hand and walked towards the villa gate: "How do you know he's your dad?"

"Because he's mom's ex-husband!" Rita looked worried and sighed, "What a shame he's such a bad guy... My brother and I will never have a father in our lives."

Albina laughed: "Not necessarily! Your mom is still so young, maybe she'll meet a nice man someday. Even if you don't have a real dad, having a loving stepdad isn't bad!"

From a mother's perspective, Albina definitely hoped her daughter would find another man.

After all, life was long, and it was nice to have someone by your side so you won't be lonely.

Rita pouted: "I don't want a stepdad! Neither does my brother."

The door opened, and the two went inside, with Albina closing it behind them.


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