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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 227

Ian said with a serious expression: "If we tell Grandma, she won't let us go look for our mom."

Rita was a bit torn: "Then let's just go find Mom! What if that jerk dad is bullying her?"

Ian quickly thought and made a decision: "I'll go alone, you stay at home. If Grandma comes back, just make up an excuse."

With that, Ian went out alone.

Watching the door close, Rita burst into tears.

How could she let her brother go find that jerk dad alone?

What if her brother got caught by the jerk dad?

She can't lose her brother!

Crying, she ran to knock on Mike's door.

After opening the door, she ran to the messy bed, grabbed Mike's arm, and cried her eyes out: "Uncle Mike, wake up! My brother's gone! He left alone... he didn't take me with him..."

The Bourne family.

A servant came out of the kitchen, puzzled: "Why is there a power outage?"

"We didn't receive any notice. I'll turn on the backup power," Lacey said.

After the backup power was connected, everything returned to normal.

About ten minutes later, the backup power also stopped.

Elijah came down the stairs quickly, and Lacey immediately reported the situation to him: "There's a power outage at home. The backup power has also failed. I've called someone to fix it. But I called the power company, and they said there's no power outage in our area."

Elijah didn't say anything

; he just walked towards the door.

A bodyguard came over.

"Boss, today's power outage is a bit strange. I've already dispatched more people to come."

Elijah nodded and continued to walk towards the gate.

The bodyguard didn't know what he was going to do and just followed him.

Outside the gate, Elijah pointed to a small figure not far away and ordered the bodyguard: "Go catch him."


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