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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 248

Joey felt extremely embarrassed.

Didn't he say he wasn't coming to Violette's birthday party?

Why was he suddenly here?

Brandon and Joey marched up to Elijah, asking what was going on.

Elijah, without changing his expression or showing any guilt, lied, "I just happened to be passing by and came up to take a look."

"Heh, I thought you were too scared to come!" Mike walked over, pulling Elijah towards the people who were drinking, "Today, we're all gathered here to celebrate Violette's birthday, so first, no swearing, and second, no fighting. Having fun is the most important thing!"

Saying this, Mike grabbed an empty glass and placed it in front of Elijah.

Then he picked up a bottle, filling the glass!

Drinking before dinner time, really?

Violette saw Mike leading a group of people, including the company managers, staring at Elijah like hungry wolves.

She instantly saw through their plan.

She took a step forward, intending to stop them, but

Odette held her back.

"Don't worry about them!" Odette dragged her towards the drinks area, "Did you forget how Elijah bullied you a few days ago? I told Ramsey not to help him, so you shouldn't either."

Violette's cheeks flushed slightly, "But dinner hasn't started yet..."

"I'll go check on the kitchen, and if the food is ready, I'll ask them to serve it."


Soon, the waiters started serving dishes.

Odette pulled Violette to sit down.

"Violette, this dress definitely isn't something you bought yourself, right? You look so good in it! So sexy!"

Violette's cheeks turned a bit warm, and she said awkwardly, "Mike picked it out."

"I knew it was him. I have to invite him to go shopping with me next time. He has a great taste for clothes." Odette decided to become besties with Mike.

"He's especially good at shopping, and has great stamina." Violette's feet still hurt from shopping the day before yesterday.


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