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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 270

Do they both have the same birthday?

What a coincidence!

Violette walked towards the door, holding her son's hand.

A tall and handsome figure appeared before her.

Elijah was wearing a black coat today, looking cold and solemn.

She wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but he seemed to have lost some weight.

Violette hesitated for two seconds and decided to be more tolerant and wish him a happy birthday.

Just as she was about to speak, Makayla flew to Elijah like a little bird, grabbing his hand and softly saying, "Brother, let's eat cake."

Since Violette was standing right next to Elijah, she heard everything clearly.


Makayla called Elijah brother?

Violette frowned and looked at Makayla.

Makayla felt Violette's gaze and met her eyes.

Perhaps because of Violette's serious expression, Makayla became a bit nervous.

Makayla wanted to invite Violette to eat cake together, but she didn't dare speak up.

"Did you just call him brother?" Violette asked Makayla somewhat sternly.

Violette didn't mean to scare Makayla, but her tone unconsciously grew heavier, causing Makayla to shrink behind Elijah in fear.

Elijah held Makayla's hand tightly and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, Makayla. Let's go eat cake."

They walked past Violette and into the classroom.

Ian saw his mom looking dazed and tugged at her hand.

"Mom, let's go home."

Violette took her eyes off them, quickly adjusted her mood, and left with her son.

After getting in the car, Ian noticed that his mom's brow was still furrowed, so he said, "Makayla has called me brother too."

Violette looked at Ian and relaxed suddenly.


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