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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 292

Violette took the phone from her daughter's hand. Seeing that it was Adrian calling, she immediately picked up.

"Violette, Merry Christmas!" Adrian's cheerful voice came through.

Violette chuckled and corrected him, "Adrian, Happy Christmas Eve! Save the Merry Christmas for tomorrow."

"Have you guys eaten yet? I was going to call you later, but I just got some great news from the hospital, so I couldn't wait to tell you." Adrian paused for a moment, then said, "Kylee can sit up now! His consciousness is getting clearer and clearer!"

Violette said, "That's great!"

"Violette, he and his family are really grateful to you. They said they'll come visit you personally after Christmas." Adrian relayed.

"No need for that. I'll go see him after Christmas. He just needs to focus on his recovery now, everything else is minor." Violette said.

"How can this be a minor thing? They want to pay for his medical expenses and asked me how much would be appropriate. I told them to talk to you face to face." Adrian said.

Violette pondered for a moment, "I'm just finishing the work that Dr. Mitchel couldn't complete. If they want to pay for the medical expenses, they should give it to Dr. Mitchel's family according to the original agreement with him."

Adrian said, "I knew you wouldn't accept it."

"Dr. Mitchel's death was so unexpected." Violette's voice suddenly became somber, "I still can't accept it. He saved so many people, but in the end, he died so young."

"Maybe heaven saw that Dr. Mitchel was too tired living, so they let him rest early. Violette, let's think positively and not be too sad." Adrian changed the subject, "When are you free? Let's have a meal together."

"Sure! I'm free on the days after Christmas. You can come over anytime." Violette said.

"Great!" Adrian said.

After hanging up, Violette hugged her daughter and sat back down at the dinner table.

Albina had already prepared the meal.


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