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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 311

That night, he really thought the woman with him was Violette! If he knew it was Sarah, he wouldn't have touched her with a ten-foot pole.


Violette invited a few close friends for a seafood feast.

If it weren't for these friends' company and care during her mom's passing, Violette wouldn't have bounced back so quickly.

Although thinking of her mom still broke her heart, she wouldn't impulsively choose to go down with Alexa.

Mike wanted to pour Adrian some booze.

Adrian said, "I drove here today, man."

Violette poured juice into Adrian's cup, "Adrian can't drink, Mike, you're on your own tonight!"

Odette chimed in, "Violette, are you looking down on me? I can drink!"

Violette replied, "I know you can, but Ramsey asked me to take care of you and not let you get wasted."

Odette scoffed and started drinking with Mike anyway.

Violette reminded them, "Don't go overboard, guys. I invited you to enjoy the seafood, not to get drunk."

Mike said, "What's so great about seafood. What's the point of a party without booze?"

Odette echoed, "Exactly! What's the point?"

Violette decided to ignore them.

The two chatted while drinking.

After Violette peeled a bowl full of shrimp for the kids, she started eating too.


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