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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 322

Even though Sarah put on a pretty convincing show, Makayla wasn't buying it. You can always see through the bull when you look someone in the eye. Makayla could feel Sarah's sucking up to her brother, but she couldn't feel any genuine care towards her.

"He asked me to say thank you." Makayla said with a touch of annoyance, "But I don't wanna say it."

Sarah turned to Elisa, "Can you give us a minute? I wanna have a heart-to-heart with Makayla."

Elisa was torn, but right now Sarah was the Bourne family's savior, and she didn't dare to offend her.

Once she left, Sarah began, "Makayla, I don't get why you have beef with me. Did someone badmouth me to you? I've been busting my ass every day researching treatment plans for you after I got back. Why can't I get a single thank you?"

Makayla cut right to the chase, "I don't think you're the one who did the surgery."

Why else would she see Violette's face and hear Violette's voice in her mind before each surgery? If she saw Sarah before each surgery, she wouldn't be questioning this.

She didn't have complicated thoughts; she believed what she saw and heard.

"You think? You're the patient here, and everything you just said, they're all in your head." Sarah continued her brainwashing.

After all, she was intellectually challenged before, even though she was a bit better now, she was still fresh off the operating table!

Sarah could manipulate her thoughts. Even if she was right, she can be deemed wrong, as eople would believe the doctor, not the patient. That was why Sarah dared to lie to Elijah.

Since the real surgeon decided to remain anonymous, it meant they didn't need anything from Elijah. And since they contacted her through the hospital staff twice, it meant they were okay with her accepting this 'gift'!

Who would turn down a free lunch?

"You're a bad person!" Makayla's disdain for Sarah skyrocketed at her cocky attitude.

Even though Makayla wasn't as smart as others, she could still sense right from wrong. True kindness didn't boast.

"You probably haven't seen a real bad person, that's why you're saying this. I know you're the woman Elijah cares about the most, and I never thought of hurting you. I can stay by Elijah's side with you, but why can't you accept me?"

Sarah's last sentence, although sounding rhetorical, was her voicing her grievance.

"Get lost!" Makayla's voice suddenly escalated, her emotions flaring.


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