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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 325

But, with this domestically made Breeze Drone, even though its battery life was up there with the international ones, the camera quality was average and it couldn't take professional pictures! And yet, it was priced the same as professional drones!

In the video, comments were pouring in like crazy--

--This is so embarrassing! Has Violette forgotten that she's also from A Country?! She's deliberately screwing her own people over! Disgusting!

--The Dennis Group might as well go bankrupt!

--Shouldn't we be mentioning the Bourne Group right about now? After all, their boss Elijah is a big client of the Dennis Group!

Violette plopped down on the sofa, picked up her water cup, and took a sip.

"Violette, I've reached out to Nika Tech, and they're willing to compensate us according to the contract." Mike said, "Also, they said they can't sell us their high-end lenses."

"Why?" Violette put down her cup, looking puzzled, "Is it about the price?"

Mike shook his head, "We've put the other domestic drone brands on edge. They're worried we might dominate the market. So they're ganging up against us."

Violette couldn't help but laugh, "They think if Nika Tech doesn't sell us their high-end lenses, our company will go under? That's hilarious!"

Mike: "Other domestic camera brands won't work with us either."

Violette nodded, "Let's look for foreign brands."

"Violette, that'll be too costly." Mike reminded her, "There are only a handful of globally known camera brands; many of them are exclusive to certain companies, bound by special contracts."

"I get it." Violette said casually, "Like AN Tech and Pulse Tech have an exclusive contract. Even though the Dennis Group is still ours, as long as it's called the Dennis Group and not AN Tech, Pulse Tech won't sell us their lenses."


Violette lowered her head, starting to think of a solution.


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