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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 329

"She's got nannies and bodyguards looking out for her, hasn't she? We haven't had a drink in forever!" Brandon said, leaning in to whisper, "Violette left the country today."

A shadow passed over Elijah's eyes. Suddenly, he felt like drinking.

Brandon had booked a table at the Rooftop Rendezvous. They stood by the rooftop railing, each with a bottle of booze in hand, silent as they stared out at the vast starry sky.

The early spring night was a bit chilly.

After they'd finished off a whole bottle, Brandon finally spoke, "Did you decide to get engaged to Sarah to repay her for helping Makayla with her treatment?"

"My mom wanted me to marry her, and Violette wanted me to settle down with her. Makayla's illness was just a secondary reason." He tilted his head back slightly, revealing his long, sexy neck, his Adam's apple bobbing a few times as he spoke in a husky voice, "Violette was hell-bent on putting distance between us, so I gave her what she wanted."

"Don't be like this. It's just an engagement, not a marriage. And even if you get married, you can always get a divorce!" Brandon looked at his tormented face and gave his shoulder a comforting pat, "Come on, let's drink some more."

A week later.

Silverleaf Kindergarten.

Makayla suddenly appeared at the classroom door of Ian and Rita. This time, there was no smile on her face. Before, every time she saw them, she would have a sweet, goofy smile.

Ian and Rita came out of the classroom.

"Ian, Rita, I came to see you for the last time..." Makayla said, tears sparkling in her eyes.


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