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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 332

Elijah hung up the phone with a grim face, storming out of the office.

Ordinary folks can't even get their hands on sleeping pills.

So, where did these come from?

The Bourne family.

As the black Rolls-Royce pulled into the courtyard, Lacey took Makayla back to their room. After Elijah strode into the living room, Elisa handed him the medical report.

"You took Makayla to the hospital for a check-up?" He looked up at Elisa.

Elisa looked down, struggling, not daring to meet his gaze.

Violette had instructed, if he doesn't ask, try not to mention her.

"It was Ms. Dennis." Under his intense stare, Elisa confessed, "Makayla insisted on going to see Ms. Dennis's kids today..."

"Violette is back?" he interrupted.

"She came back this morning," Elisa said, "She didn’t want to get involved, but I begged her to take Makayla for the check-up. Makayla has been saying she's going to die all morning, so I was really worried."

"Why didn't you tell Sarah?" Elijah’s composure began to waver.

Just hearing the name Violette unsettled him.

Elisa hesitated, "I did report Makayla's condition to Dr. Sarah each time, but she kept saying it was a normal postoperative reaction. But seeing Makayla so down, I felt off."

"I see." Elijah didn’t blame her any further, he picked up the report and examined it, "What’s this about the sleeping pills?"

"I suspect it's the sedative Dr. Sarah prescribed. But I'm not sure," Elisa cautiously said, handing him the white pill bottle.


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