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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 339

"Mike, why can't you get hold of the boss?" the Vice President anxiously looked at Mike. "We've got a big problem! You need to find the boss, ASAP!"

Mike looked a bit confused, scratching his head before heading into the room: "The company hasn't gone bankrupt. What's the big deal?"

The Vice President quickly took off his shoes and followed him in: "Did you guys hire a celebrity to endorse our products? Some star named Kylee just tweeted about our product. And guess what? He's freaking famous!"

Mike's confusion faded and he looked surprised: "I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Oh my God! This big-shot celebrity named Kylee is endorsing our product on Twitter. Ever since he tweeted, our customer service line has been ringing off the hook. And the even crazier part? Our orders are skyrocketing... I've never seen anything like this!" the Vice President said, excited.

Unable to reach Violette and Mike, he had no choice but to come in person.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Mike immediately headed towards the master bedroom.

After knocking and pushing open the door, he found the room empty.

"Violette isn't here," Mike said, puzzled. "Can't you reach her on her phone?"

The Vice President shook his head: "I just tried calling her! Her phone's off."

Mike quickly went back to his room to change.

"I looked up this Kylee. He had disappeared three years before endorsing our company! After his tweet today, all the online haters vanished! His fans are legit!"

"I know about Kylee. Violette is a fan," Mike said, waking up to the situation. "But I have no idea why he's helping us. We have to ask Violette."

"Didn't she tell you where she was going?" the Vice President was running around like a headless chicken. "My phone has been blowing up all morning. Apart from calling you guys, I've had my phone on airplane mode."

Mike looked surprised: "Is it really that crazy?"


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