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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 347

He racked his brain, trying to recall what he just blabbered, but a pounding headache made it hard to focus.

Whatever! It didn't matter what he said, it won't hurt Sarah if she heard it.


Sarah felt like her whole world was being turned upside down! All her doubts seemed to have found an answer all of a sudden.

Though she was reluctant to admit that Violette was a better doctor than her, the facts seemed to be staring her in the face.

Violette, she was Dr. Mitchel's student! The anonymous doctor who had operated on Makayla twice, it was her!

Only her wouldn't want to gain anything from Elijah. No one else would do something like this! So, all the benefits she was getting from Elijah now, were all thanks to Violette. If Violette ever told Elijah the truth one day, everything she had now would be taken back.

In a split second, she went from a dominant position to a passive one. She needed to come up with a plan, and fast, to turn the tables.

The next morning.

After breakfast, Sarah was strolling in the garden with Grace.

"Auntie, yesterday when Elijah called to cancel our engagement, he told me why he was calling it off," Sarah started the conversation.

Grace felt guilty towards Sarah, so she looked apologetic.

"Do you know where he was yesterday morning?" Sarah chuckled solemnly, took a deep breath, "He was with Violette."

"Oh dear! What a mess!" Grace frowned.


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