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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 352

She's supposed to give him a kid in return?

She thought she must have misheard! A child was not a commodity, how was she supposed to compensate with one?

Seeing the confusion on her face, his voice came slow but firm, "Use your body to give me a child! Dead or alive, as long as it’s my child!"

Her body shuddered violently, she shouted angrily, "Elijah! Have you gone mad?"

Back then, when she was pregnant with his child, he had his bodyguard take her for an abortion! Did he forget all about this?

Now he was forcing her to have a child again, what did he take her for? Some kind of toy? This was ridiculous!

"Yes, I've gone mad!" His eyes were bloodshot, filled with burning hatred, "Violette, you're the one who drove me to this! You lying woman! You're pushing my patience to its limit over and over again!”

Violette was so frightened by his menacing aura that she barely dared to breathe. She stepped back until she collapsed into the couch.

“Violette, I won't indulge you any longer! You made a mistake, and you must pay! Even if you give birth to a stillborn, you must do it!” He said each word coldly and ruthlessly, "Starting from today, whenever I need you, you must show up! Until you're pregnant with my child!”

He looked down at her from his high position, forcing her into a corner. Her hands clenched the couch tightly, her chest heaving rapidly.

Thinking of how the child would never be treated well by him, she protested, "I won't! Find another woman to have your child!"

“This is not up to you! This time, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I'll hunt you down!” Elijah stared at her flushed face with a grim look, saying coldly, “If you want to be free again, either die or give me a child! Don't think you can escape by dying, unless you die with your two children. Otherwise, even if you're dead, I won't spare them!”

Violette was speechless.

His cold fingers unbuttoned her blouse one by one, trampling her dignity underfoot.


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