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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 363

Joey shoved a kebab into his mouth, effectively shutting himself up.

Ramsey and Odette came over with a few bottles of red wine, and Joey immediately went to greet them.

"Look at all these good wines! Did you steal these from your dad’s cellar?"

"What do you mean 'steal'? Can I steal from my own house?" Ramsey started to uncork the wine bottles as he defended himself.

Joey took a bottle to Mike, pouring a glass for Elijah as well.

Adrian, known for his low tolerance, also grabbed a glass, "The night is young, let me join you."

"Adrian, you're in high spirits today, aren't you?" Odette poured him a glass, then turned to Violette, "Violette, do you want some?"

Violette shook her head, "I have to look after the kids, you guys go ahead."

"Sure! I'll make sure to keep this unexpected guest entertained!" Odette said, sitting down next to Elijah, "Mr. Bourne, why aren't you at the hospital with your fiancée? You wouldn't abandon her now that she's lost the baby, would you? You weren't just with her to have a baby, were you?"

Her rapid-fire questioning chilled the room. Odette surely knew how to stir the pot! Mike felt like a rookie compared to her.

Elijah's face was cold as ice.

"True, she lost the baby from just one fall. She is so weak! If I were you, I'd dump her too!" Odette continued, "I mean, Violette is not as big as Sarah. How could she have knocked her down? Don't you have surveillance? Show us the footage! If Violette is really that bad, I'd be the first one to cut ties with her."

Ramsey felt a chill in the air.

He put down his glass, covered Odette’s mouth and moved her away from Elijah.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Joey quickly lifted his glass, "Let's not dwell on unpleasant topics. Let's drink! No one leaves sober tonight!"

No one responded.

The tension increased.

Then, Adrian raised his glass and clinked it with Joey's.


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