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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 387

Sarah wailed, "Violette! I've never seen such a shameless woman like you! You're twisting the truth! Am I crazy to do push Grace?"

"Yeah! You're definitely bonkers!" Violette coldly watched her drama unfold, "Don't be too smug. One day your mask is going to slip off."

"What mask! Violette! Explain... What mask!" Sarah cried, lunging at Violette.

Violette dodged, taking cover behind Elijah. She was not about to get her hands dirty with this loony.

Elijah glanced at her and blocked Sarah.

"Sarah, we're in a hospital!" he reminded, "I haven't settled things with her. Put your grudges aside for now!"

He then dragged Violette towards the elevator.

Once they had left, Sarah's tears instantly stopped. Though it was all an act, she really did want to hit Violette!

Kaleb quietly came over, his voice filled with anger, "Sarah, I suddenly feel like we might not be a good match. You're a venomous woman. I can't compete with you."

Sarah looked around and didn't see anyone else, she retorted, "You're calling me venomous? Do you think you're any better? The one who killed your grandma was you! Not me!"

"Do you find it amusing to say such things? If it wasn't for you seducing me while we were making love..."

"If you were a decent man, would you have been seduced by me? Kaleb, it's too late to turn back now! Don't bring this up in public again! Your grandma is dead, and dead people can't talk! From now on, we just sit back and watch the show!" Sarah quickly composed herself, "This time, your uncle won't let Violette off easily."

Kaleb, "I hold no grudge against Violette. She used to be my girlfriend!"

Sarah raised an eyebrow, "Feeling sorry for her? Go beg your uncle for mercy! Tell him you were the one who pushed your grandma..."


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