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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 437

Violette replied, "Really? Must be your imagination."

After dinner, she whipped out her phone and texted Kylee, asking if he was free on May 1st. She didn’t expect him to reply so quickly. After she told him the situation, he was on board instantly.

"Odette, Kylee said he'll attend your wedding on May 1st." Violette said.

Her words had barely left her mouth when a chorus of gasps filled the room! Odette, Lisa, and Alice were all thrilled. In no time, Odette shared this news with Ramsey, who then told Brandon Fleming.

"My wife says it's all thanks to Violette." Ramsey said, sounding a bit downcast, "I'm starting to have second thoughts about this wedding. My wife is a die-hard fan of Kylee, a crazy one! And her girlfriends, I mean, nearly all her female friends are fans of Kylee. Who will give a damn about me on the wedding day? They'll all be there for Kylee! This is not the wedding I pictured!"

Ramsey was feeling blue but didn't dare to tell Odette.

Brandon, feeling sympathetic yet a bit schadenfreude, said, "Don't worry, you're not the only one bummed. Kylee clearly has a thing for Violette. Elijah will probably be down in the dumps too."

Just yesterday, Violette wore a white sweater that accidentally matched Kylee's outfit, making them look like a couple. Elijah was so ticked off he nearly blew a gasket. If Violette were to start dating Kylee, Elijah would probably be up all night tossing and turning.

"Does Elijah have a thing for being mistreated or something? If a woman dared to hurt me, I'd be kind if I didn’t pay her back double. I'd never have a thing for her again." Ramsey said, puzzled.

"It's not about being masochistic. After all, Violette has had her heart broken too." Brandon replied rationally, "He's just stubborn, whether it's about his work or the person he likes."

Once he made up his mind, he wouldn't change it. Most people would back off when they encounter difficulties. But he wouldn't, no matter how tough it got.

"Oh, should we tell him about this?" Ramsey asked.

"I'll find a good time to tell him." Brandon said after thinking for a few seconds.


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