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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 446

Violette watched her heart rate tracker on her wrist, the numbers dropping from a hundred to eighty.

Why the hell was he here? Odette didn't invite him or his buddies.

Did he just show up on his own?

Odette nearly jumped out of her skin.

She reached out and pinched Ramsey's arm, “What's going on? Why is he here?”

The moment Elijah showed up, the vibe in the villa turned ice cold.

Odette wasn't exactly thrilled to see him, but she didn't dare to kick him out.

Ramsey whispered in Odette's ear, “Since Elijah is here, let's just play nice and welcome him! No frowning. Help me out here.”

Ramsey quickly finished and went over to Elijah with a warm welcome, “Elijah, Brandon, you guys are here! Did you have dinner yet? If not, we still have something in the kitchen."

Brandon chimed in, “We're not hungry for now. What were you guys up to just now? Making quite the ruckus.”

As soon as Brandon finished, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, like someone hit the pause button.

“We were playing Heartbeat Challenge! You guys wanna join?” Odette's good friend Lisa invited enthusiastically.

“Sure! How do we play?” Brandon pulled Elijah towards them.

Odette shot a glance at Lisa.

Lisa looked a bit aggrieved, and she whispered her plan to Odette, “Once they lose, we can mess with them a bit!”

Odette instantly got it.

“Violette, go sit on the side.”

Odette helped Violette up from the middle of the couch, then Brandon and Elijah were ushered to the center.

Violette's heart rate tracker was taken off.

“Which one of you is going first?” Lisa walked up to them with the tracker.


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