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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 448

She awkwardly pulled out her phone to distract herself.

Brandon glanced at the big screen, then looked down at the heart rate changes on Elijah's wrist.

No freaking way! His heart rate didn't even flinch!

This made Brandon a bit suspicious, wondering whether the bracelet was faulty, or if Elijah was just unresponsive.

Ramsey was also eyeing the bracelet on Elijah's wrist and said,

"The bracelet should be working fine; it was fluctuating when Violette wore it earlier."

Brandon asked, "How did Violette's challenge go?"

Ramsey glanced over at Violette.

Her face was totally expressionless, but Odette gave him a fierce glare.

Ramsey looked away and answered, "She passed. If the heart rate is too high, the bracelet will alarm. But when she was doing the challenge, I didn't hear any alarms."

Brandon nodded and looked over his shoulder towards Violette, who

was engrossed in her phone, clearly trying to avoid the situation.

After the first video ended, the second one started playing.

The second video featured a scantily clad bombshell, striking poses in front of the camera.

Her body language and facial expressions were super tempting!

Some people whistled excitedly, while others sneakily observed Elijah's reaction.

Elijah's brows furrowed, his face serious.

He was looking at a beauty, but his expression was as if he were at a funeral.

His heart rate did fluctuate a bit, after all, he was a living human.

But the fluctuations were very minor, probably related to his breathing.

"He doesn't seem to like women! Play a video of a handsome guy!" Lisa, who was closely watching Elijah's reaction, suggested to the person controlling the screen since he wasn't reacting.


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