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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 463

He walked into the living room and stood straight, waiting for her to come over.

"Got anything else to talk about?" She stood at the top of the stairs, intending to go upstairs to rest.

"Are you going to bed?" He looked at her slim figure, and the pain in his heart eased a bit.

"Yeah, but if you've got something on your mind, I can listen." She stood at the top of the stairs, just didn't wanna be too close to him.

Her heart ached when she smelled his scent. Their relationship was so familiar, yet fate put their hearts miles apart.

"Just go to sleep!" He sat back down on the couch. "I'll sit for a while and go." "Alright..." She took her eyes off him, and climbed the stairs step by step.

After she went upstairs, he got up from the couch.

He realized that he had been too self-centered all along.

He never really got what she wanted.

He thought he had given her all he had, and blamed her for not responding to his feelings.

But the truth was that what he gave was not what she wanted.

And as for what she wanted, he had never given her.

About half an hour later, he figured she must be asleep, so he whipped out his phone and dialed the family doctor.

"Mr. Bourne, congrats. You're gonna be a Dad." The family doctor said with a chuckle.

The hospital he took her to was where the family doctor worked.

"Is there a way to ease pregnancy reactions?" He asked, frowning.

"Nope." The family doctor replied, "She just has to tough it out. Usually, the reaction starts to ease up around 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. Ms. Dennis is eight weeks in, another month and she should be feeling better."

"She's so skinny." His fingers clenched and his voice starting to tense up.

"Really? If she can't eat, she can consider IV nutrition. She's a doctor, so she should know this." The family doctor said, "Unless she doesn't want the baby..."

"She indeed doesn't want the baby."

"Huh? Why's that?"


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