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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 469

Elijah had experienced insomnia last night, so he was taking a nap now. His phone rang, and he answered the call.

"President, Mike is looking for a nanny for Violette. I told him I'd help, and he agreed," Joey was talked to by Elijah last night.

He had asked Joey to keep a close eye on Violette through Mike. Joey thought this was a good move by Elijah. He saw it as Elijah stepping up to his responsibilities as a father, so he agreed without hesitation.

"Alright, I'll sort it out," Elijah murmured.

"Also, Violette's a hot topic online today. Somebody snapped a picture of Rita and Ian and gave it to a famous entertainment blogger. They're saying Violette is a single mom and that her personal life is messy..." Joey continued.

Elijah frowned. "Find out who's behind this, now."

"Sure thing. Mike said Violette was up at 6 a.m. today. She's pretty worked up about the online chatter. She's pregnant and her emotions are all over the place. This kind of news will definitely tick her off. Maybe you should comfort her?"

Elijah: "How should I do that?"

Joey: "She can't eat anything, so maybe buy her a gift."

Elijah rubbed his forehead. "You think she'll accept my gift?"

Joey: "Even if she doesn't, at least she'll know you mean well."

Elijah figured Joey had a point. He wouldn't let her abort the baby, yet he couldn't share her pain of pregnancy, so giving her a gift seemed like the right thing to do.

Silverleaf Ridge.

Mike told Violette about the nanny search.

"Isn't everything fine the way it is?" Violette frowned. "I'm not so sick that I can't get out of bed. Both kids are in school, so they don't need much supervision."


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