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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 507

Suddenly, a beam of light shot from afar. When the light source appeared, the tension in her heart immediately eased.

"Violette." He yelled out her name.

Hearing his familiar voice, her nose stung with a bitter-sweet pain and her eyes started to heat up.

"Violette, stay where you are. There might be landmines here." Upon seeing the light coming from her direction and confirming her presence, Elijah warned sternly.

Tears began to fall from Violette's eyes.

Could it really be a minefield here? Would Mr. Rocks let him take such a risk? Did he leave his brain at home when he went out today?

Moreover, if it was really a minefield here, how could she possibly come in?

In her memory, he had always been a very smart man. How could he suddenly turn into a dunce?

"This is not a minefield." She sobbed back at him, "You, get back here now."

Hearing her words, he immediately ran towards her.

Her eyes blurred with tears, she could only feel the distant light quickly moving towards her. She could almost feel his hot breath. She raised her hand, quickly wiping away her tears.

In no time, he was by her side.

"Violette, they said you got lost. You didn't, did you?" His breath was a bit ragged and his hands tightly held her arms.

"Do I look like a kid to you? How could I possibly get lost?" She pushed his hands away, looking straight at him, "When did you become so gullible?!"

"I came to apologize to you." He didn't care about being fooled, as long as he could see her, "Violette, did you come here to avoid me?"


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