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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 509

"I've already seen him," she said, picking up her phone and swiftly shifting the topic. "What about Ian and Rita?"

With a sorrowful expression, Mike sighed and said, "They might not be able to video chat with you tonight. Ian was crying today."

In the bathroom, Elijah heard everything loud and clear. What happened to Ian?

Elijah walked out of the bathroom, a sullen look in his eyes as he glanced at Violette.

Violette was too flustered to pay him any attention. She was even more surprised than him. Ian had always been a child who didn't show his emotions openly. His demeanor and emotions were more composed than the average child.

"What happened? Was he bullied at school? Did you talk to his teacher?" she asked, speaking at a mile a minute. How she wished she could be home right now, comforting her son.

"They had a pop quiz today at school, and someone outperformed him. He was devastated," Mike shrugged, "He couldn't handle the fact that someone was smarter than him."

Violette felt a slight relief, but she still felt sorry for Ian. He always lived in his own world where he was the best.

"He's the youngest in his class, and it's understandable if his grades are not as good as the others. But he just won't listen to me. The more I tried to console him, the more upset he became," Mike recalled the ordeal of picking him up that evening, it gave him a headache. "I've never seen him break down like this."

"I'll be back tomorrow," Violette declared.

"Uh... I suspect Alexa has planted a mole in our company. You were out today to negotiate a partnership with the border patrol, and coincidentally, Alexa also went on a business trip to a remote area, even bringing a photography team with her. Hahaha." Mike's laughter echoed throughout the room.

At the mention of Alexa's name, Violette immediately lost interest in the conversation. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Elijah standing at the bathroom door. She told Mike, "Alright, we'll continue this when I see you tomorrow."

"Sure, send me your flight details once you've booked. I'll pick you up at the airport."


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