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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 516

Her words were pretty cryptic, but he got the gist of it. What she meant was, no matter if Ian and Rita were twins, or if Ian was his kid, he shouldn't have any thoughts on either of them. Only the kid in her belly was his.

According to his past temper, he would've gotten mad for sure. But he seemed to have his emotions under better control now, and he figured having a kid was better than having none.

She applied some ointment on him and got some white gauze ready to bandage him up.

"Just a band-aid will do." He said, thinking the gauze was too formal and noticeable, and worried that people might think he got seriously injured.

She ignored his suggestion and bandaged his hand with the gauze anyway.

"Don't get the wound wet for a couple of days." She instructed.

"How am I supposed to shower then?" He asked.

"Haven't you ever been injured before?" She raised an eyebrow, ready to retort, but thought better of it when she remembered he got injured by her daughter. She continued, "If you can't manage with one hand and don't want anyone’s help, just wear a waterproof glove."

Looking at his thoroughly bandaged hand, he casually asked, "When can we find out if our baby is a boy or a girl?"

"We'll know when the baby is born." She put away the medical supplies and walked to the door. "Knowing in advance won’t change anything." Violette added.

"I hope it's a girl." Elijah slowly walked up to her, expressing his wish, "Just like Rita."

"The more you want something, the less likely you are to get it." She countered on purpose, "It might be a boy."


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