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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 518

Elijah looked down at Rita's cute and angry little face, correcting her, "Why are you calling me by my full name? That's a bit rude, you know."

Rita snorted, "Cause you're a bad guy."

"Did your mom tell you that?" Elijah asked, showing a calm expression on his face. He wasn't upset. Rita was still so young, what did she know? Whatever she knew was taught by adults.

"No way! My mom wouldn't talk behind people's back!" Rita quickly changed the subject, not wanting to rat out her brother, "What are you doing?"

"Making stewed ribs." Elijah showed her the ribs he was marinating, "It's your mom's favorite dish. What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

Without a moment's hesitation, Rita said, "I want chocolate! And I also want meat! Can you hide chocolate in the meat? But you can't let my mom find out!"

Elijah pondered for a moment, then asked, "I can do that, but can you tell me what your brother likes to eat?"

Rita thought for a second, "My brother likes vegetables. But he definitely won't eat anything you cook. He hates you the most!"

Elijah got the message. He had to make up for his mistakes, bit by bit.

After Rita left the kitchen, Joey sighed, "Sir, you don't have to do this."

First washing Violette's feet, now cooking for her family. Was this still the boss he knew? If foot washing could be considered a couple's activity, then what about cooking?

"You wouldn't feel belittled if you were cooking for Mike, would you?" Elijah retorted.

Joey responded, "That's different, I like cooking."

Elijah shot back, "I like cooking for Violette."


Violette was eating the stewed ribs Elijah had made. They were a bit too sweet due to the extra sugar he'd added.

"It's a bit sweet." She whispered to Elijah.


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