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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 52

The text below the title was short.

She'd been racking her brain on how to execute her plan.

The only thing she wrote was: I must divorce Elijah before the end of the year.

His face darkened like a thunderstorm.

He had made changes and compromises, yet all she was thinking about was leaving him.

The 'plan' document was created last night.

What a hypocritical woman!

On one hand, she was playing nice, giving him gifts and thanking him, while she was cooking up a divorce plan in her room!

He thought she was different from other women, but it turned out her biggest difference was - she's a two-faced backstabber!

He slammed her notebook shut and stormed out of the room.

A top-level meeting was underway at the Bourne Group.

Elijah was obviously not in a good mood today.

From the moment he walked into the conference room, he was frowning with a cold expression.

The signals his face was sending made people shudder.

Department managers were sitting stiffly, not even daring to breathe too loudly.

That’s weird.

The company had overachieved its Q3 targets and the performance was encouraging, why was the boss so angry?

Throughout the meeting, Elijah didn't say a word, just listened coldly to the managers' reports.

At the end of the meeting, he only said one word: "Dismissed."

Elijah was the first to leave the conference room.

Joey was about to follow him out when a manager stopped him.

"Joey, what's with the boss? Is he unhappy with our Q3 performance? If he's not satisfied, he can give us requirements...we will definitely strive to meet them!"

"Yeah! He didn't say a word today, which is really unusual. Does he have any new ideas or plans?"


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