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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 536

Joey understood him, and he always had his back, just like Mike would always have Violette's, no matter what.

2 a.m. A sleek, black Rolls-Royce glided into the driveway of the Bourne family mansion.

Inside the living room, lights were blazing.

Elijah stepped out of the car and Lacey was right there to greet him and fill him in, "Sir, what happened with Violette? Ian called around ten tonight and took Makayla away."

At the mention of Ian's name, a fresh wave of pain hit Elijah. Violette didn't just leave him, she left their kids too.

"Sir, it's late. You need to catch some Z's," Lacey suggested, taking in Elijah's gloomy expression and deciding not to push her luck.

He was like a zombie, dragging himself to his bedroom. His gaze swept over the empty bed and thoughts of Violette's determined departure flooded his mind. He started doubting if they ever really made up. Maybe everything that happened was just his imagination!

He had only ever seen Violette took the initiative in his dreams. So it was all a lie. But the pain in his heart was more real than any nightmare.

Time ticked away, and before long, dawn began to break.

7 a.m. A car pulled up in front of the Bourne mansion. Makayla stepped out. Lacey saw her and hurried over to ask, "Makayla, what the hell happened? Is Violette not home? Where did she go?"

Makayla replied, "Violette went to B Country. Is Elijah home?"

Lacey was taken aback, "Yeah, he is. He got home real late last night and is probably still asleep."


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