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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 543

"This is B Country. A Country's laws don't apply here." Silver King continued to chuckle.

"Even so, someone is using our dirty laundry to blackmail us, demanding we protect her. Release her now."

"No, I won't." Silver King was adamant. "I need her to prolong my life. She's a medical genius; she can definitely find a way to extend life."

"You sure about that?"

"I'm sure," Silver King answered.

"Well, don't do anything to her for now. She needs to stay alive," Mr. Hobbs said. "I'll stall here. You better make this woman willing to stay, so you don't give anyone any ammunition."

"Got it." Silver King’s smile turned chilly.

How could he make Violette stay willingly? What could he do to make her want to stay?


In the afternoon, Mike found Elijah in a mysterious and special bodyguard company. Mike didn't expect Elijah not only to have a strong network but also excellent execution.

Silver King was living on a high mountain now. Right now, they had made detailed terrain models and preliminary battle plans in the command room.

"Elijah, you're really capable. From what I know, this bodyguard company isn't open to the public," Mike whispered, pulling Elijah aside.


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