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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 6

Due to her bleeding, Violette had to consider the possibility of keeping the baby.

The news freaked her out big time.

"Doc, what if I don't want the baby?" Violette asked.

With a pending divorce from Elijah, having a baby was the last thing she wanted.

The doctor gave her a look and said, "Why don't you want the kid? Do you know how many people want children but can't have them?"

She fell silent.

"Where's your husband? Even if you don't want the baby, you should discuss it with him," the doctor said.

Violette's brows furrowed.

Seeing her like this, the doctor picked up her medical record, "You're only 21! You're not married, are you?"

Violette said, "I am...!" After all, divorce was just around the corner.

"Abortion is a procedure, even if you're sure, I don't have time for it today. Go home and think it over. Regardless of your relationship with your boyfriend, the baby is innocent." The doctor said.

Handing her the medical record, the doctor continued, "You're currently bleeding. If you don't take measures to keep the baby now, you may not be able to in the future."

Violette softened a bit, "Doc, what should I do to keep the baby?"

The doctor looked at her, "I thought you wanted an abortion? Changed your mind already? You're so beautiful, and your baby will be too. If you want to keep it, I can prescribe some medication, and you can rest for a week, then come back for a check-up."

Leaving the hospital, the sun was so bright she had to squint, her back was sweaty and her steps heavy.

She felt lost, not knowing where to go or who to talk to.

But one thing she was sure of, she couldn't tell Elijah, he'd force her onto the operating table.

She hadn't decided to have the baby, she was just too upset and needed to calm down before making a decision.

She hailed a cab and directed the driver to her uncle's house.

Since her parents' divorce, her mom had moved back in with her brother.

While they weren't as wealthy as the Dennis family, they were doing okay.

"Violette, you came alone?" Aunt Norene's face darkened when she saw Violette arrive empty-handed, "I heard when you visited your dad's house you brought lots of fancy gifts! Clearly, you don't consider this your home, so you don't care about manners?"

Aunt Norene, who initially planned to treat Violette well, felt her heart sunk at the sight.

Violette was startled, "Aunt Norene, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'll bring gifts next time."

"Forget it! You look like you were kicked out by the Bourne family. I heard Elijah woke up, if he really loved you, why are you here, crying to your mom?" Norene said.

Violette's cheeks burned.

Seeing her daughter being bullied, Albina Palmer immediately retorted, "Even if my daughter was kicked out by the Bourne family, it's not your place to mock her."

"Albina, I just told the truth, did that hurt your feelings? Look whose house this is... If you're so capable, move out!" Norene said.

Albina was furious, she wanted to argue, but she couldn't.

Violette watched this unfold, her feelings were complicated and she was unsettled.

She always thought her mom was doing okay living with her uncle, not as well as with the Dennis family, but not too bad either.

She didn't expect her mom and Aunt Norene to have such a bad relationship.

"Mom, why don't you move out and rent a place? I have some money..." Violette said reluctantly.

Albina nodded, "Okay, I'll pack my things now."

Half an hour later, they left and hailed a cab.

"Violette, don't worry about me, I've saved some money over the years. The reason I didn't move out was because your grandma wasn't well, and she wanted me to stay with her. If it wasn't for her, I would've moved out a long time ago." Albina tried to smile.

Violette thought for a second then said, "Actually, Aunt Norene was right, I'm divorcing Elijah soon."


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