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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 75

Breakfast time.

They sat at opposite ends of the table, her slurping down pasta and milk while he munched on cereal and milk.

"Thanks for finding my phone last night," she said, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry my mom hit you," he finally apologized.

A blush crept onto Violette's face. "You didn't hit me, so why apologize?"

"I'm sorry. It was wrong for her to hit you," his voice was stiff. "I won't let anyone hurt my friends."

Violette raised her hand and lightly brushed his cheek, not waiting for him to finish.

His skin was smooth and delicate, nice to touch.

Elijah froze

, and his gaze was a bit stern, his throat moved, and the milk cup in his hand shook slightly.

"Alright, we're even now," she lowered her head to drink her milk, her heart pounding.

Her hand felt as if it had been burned, growing hotter and hotter.

She hurriedly finished her breakfast and rushed back to her room.

Today, the scar on her cheek was lighter than yesterday, not as painful.

She applied a thin layer of foundation to cover the scar on her face.

She couldn't stay home any longer.

Her company had called her several times.

People from SwiftStream Capital also messaged her from time to time.

By the time she finished getting ready and came out of her room, Elijah had already left.

"Ms. Dennis, are you going to the company? I'll have the driver take you," Lacey said and went to call the driver.

Violette waited at the door.

At that moment, her phone rang.

She took out her phone and answered the call.


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