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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 82

Given the chance to do it all over again, he'd still go for it.

He was never Mr. Perfect.

Violette's entry into his life made him reflect on his actions and strive to correct them.

Without those misunderstandings and fights, his feelings for her would never have taken root.

Odette chased after Violette out of the restaurant and grabbed her arm.

"Violette, I can't believe you got hitched with Elijah! That's some hot gossip right there!" Odette was dizzy with excitement.

Violette choked up, "As you can see, he's been making a fool out of me."

"Ramsey wanted to help you, but he was too shy to step in. That's why all this happened." Odette thought things didn't have to blow up this much, "Violette, let's go back in! Hear him out..."

Violette let go of Odette's hand, her voice firm and cold, "You go back! I need some alone time."

She hailed a cab and left without a backward glance.

Odette turned to go back to the restaurant and bumped into Elijah coming out.

He was moving fast, probably in a rush to chase Violette.

Odette pointed him in the right direction, "She took a cab that way."

Elijah nodded and strode off towards the parking lot.

Once Elijah was gone, Ramsey stepped out.

He walked up to Odette, giving her a reproachful look, "Traitor!"

Odette's cheeks flushed, but she lifted her chin defiantly, "We've known each other for what, a few days? Of course I'd side with my bestie."

Ramsey sneered, "I'm suspecting that you're with me to sniff out info!"


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