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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 86

Violette got a face full of water.

She felt a chill.

"What the hell, Melinda!" Derek immediately rose, grabbing Melinda's arm and pulling her aside.

"Bro! Don't get in my way! I'm going to teach her a lesson tonight!" Melinda's eyes were bloodshot, her sharp voice echoing through the private room.

"Have you lost your mind?!" Derek chastised her harshly.

Melinda had never been treated this way by her brother in public.

She was filled with rage.

She jerked her arm away from Derek, ready to lash out at Violette again.

Wham! A cup of juice splashed across her face.

Violette put the empty cup down forcefully on the table, her icy gaze on juice-drenched Melinda. "If you want to bully me, you better have the chops."

The room immediately fell silent.

All eyes were on Violette and Melinda.

Violette's face was wet from the water, but her features remained clear.

Melinda, on the other hand, was covered in red watermelon juice, her once delicate features now ridiculous.

"Keep eating! I'm out of here." Violette wiped her face with a napkin.

With that, she left the room in long strides.

Melinda tried to follow, but Derek held her back.

"Do you want to look even more pathetic, Melinda?!"

"Ha, you think I've embarrassed you? Let me go!" Melinda struggled out of his grip, tears streaming down her face.


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