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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 9

Last time she got checked, there were no signs of two babies. But who would've thought that just a week later, she'd be carrying twins in her belly?

Violette was sitting on a bench in the hallway, holding her ultrasound results, zoning out.

The doctor told her that the chances of having twins were very low.

If she were to abort this pregnancy, she might never have twins again.

Violette couldn't help but bitterly laugh. All of this was caused by the Bourne family's private doctor.

They never told her they wanted her to have twins when they implanted the fertilized eggs.

Maybe in their eyes, she had always been just a baby-making machine for the Bourne family.

Last week, she suddenly started bleeding, and thought she got her period. After explaining, the Bourne family's doctor thought it was because the egg implantation failed. Then Elijah woke up, planning to divorce her, so the Bourne family's doctor never contacted her again.

Now, it was up to her to decide whether to have the baby or not.

After sitting in the hospital for over an hour, her phone rang.

She took out her phone, got up, and walked out of the hospital.

"Violette, your dad is dying! Hurry home now!" Her mom's anxious voice came through the phone.

Violette froze. Her dad was in trouble? How could this happen?

She knew that her dad had been hospitalized after fainting due to work stress, and he couldn't even attend her wedding.

But she never expected his condition to worsen so much.

Violette's mind was a mess.

She didn't have a good relationship with her dad because of his infidelity, and she would never forgive him.

But hearing the news of his critical condition still hurt.

When she arrived at the Dennis family's home, she found the living room in chaos.

Albina took her inside the master bedroom.

Blake was lying on the bed, barely breathing, his eyes slightly squinted. Seeing Violette, he weakly lifted his arm.

"Dad, why didn't you go to the hospital when you got sick?" Violette held her dad's cold hand, her eyes instantly welling up with tears.

Alexa sneered, "Easier said than done! We don't have the money to treat your dad!"

Violette looked up at her, "Didn't you get some money from the Bourne family?! Why didn't you use it to treat my dad?!"

Alexa snorted, "That money was used to pay off debts! Do you know how much your dad's company owes? Violette, don't think I'm taking advantage of you! Besides, your dad's beyond help! It's better for him to die sooner rather than suffer more!"

After saying these words, Alexa left the bedroom cold-heartedly.

Sabrina didn't follow her.

After all, Blake was her biological father, and he had always taken care of her. She didn't want to lose him either.

"Dad, don't be mad at mom. She doesn't want to treat you because we don't have enough money." Sabrina stood by the bed, her eyes filled with tears. "Dad, I wish you could get better..."

Blake didn't seem to hear Sabrina's words.

His eyes were full of tears. He looked at Violette and trembled, speaking softly, "Violette...my good girl...Dad's sorry, for you and your mom...In the next life, I'll make it up to you..."

Suddenly, his grip on her hand loosened.

The room filled with the sound of sobbing.

Violette's heart ached.

In just one night, her world had turned upside down.

She was married, pregnant, and her father had died.

Even though she still felt like a child inside, life had pushed her to the edge.

On the day of the funeral, it was drizzling.

The Dennis family was in a bad state, and not many people attended the funeral.

After the funeral, Alexa invited relatives to the hotel.

The crowd dispersed, and


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