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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 90

Elijah seemed to have lost quite a bit of weight.

His already chiseled features now looked even more defined.

Why would he be here?

Could it be that the mysterious guest was him?

After completing her task, Nexa left the backstage.

It was only after watching Nexa leave that she realized the mysterious guest was indeed Elijah.

Wasn't he supposed to be sick in bed?

Had he already recovered?

She stood there quietly, not saying anything, nor approaching him.

"Mr. Bourne, is this the lady you're looking for?" The event organizer asked Elijah.

Elijah nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," the organizer replied respectfully.

Elijah walked up to Violette, his pale eyes looking down at her, "Let's talk."

"What's there to talk about?" She asked coldly, not looking up.

Elijah was patient, grabbing her arm and leading her away from the backstage.

With so many people backstage, there could be gossip about them.

After leaving the backstage, Elijah led her through the lobby and into a VIP lounge.

They both entered the room and closed the door.

Elijah's voice was deep and powerful, "Violette, stay away from Derek. No matter what his intentions are , being close to him is no good for you."

Violette looked him in the eye and bluntly said, "Do you want me to stop working with him so I can sell my company to you?"

Elijah was angered by her words.

Before he could refute, she continued, "Don't you think your offer is too low? No wonder you're too embarrassed to handle it personally. If I were you, I wouldn't admit to offering only 200 million dollars."

Listening to her mockery, a flush of anger appeared on his pale face.


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