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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 93

Violette was gobsmacked.

When Albina and Blake Dennis got divorced, Violette was still a kid.

Back then, she was always on the go, didn't have time to care about her mom's life.

So, she had no idea how her mom managed to save up money.

"If you don't want to go abroad, that's fine... I thought we could buy a smaller house too. We can rough it out a little, but we can't let the kid suffer!" Albina continued.

Violette: "Mom, do we really have that much money?"

Albina: "We have enough for the down payment."

Violette: "Oh... Let's not rush, the baby isn't due for several months!"

"Time flies, you should think it over."

Violette nodded: "Mom, I have to go out. A friend's dad is celebrating his birthday next week, I need to buy a present."

Albina: "Can't you buy it during the day? It's dark outside, and I'm worried about you going alone."

Violette: "There are street lights outside, it's okay."

Albina: "Then make it quick."

Violette got up, grabbed her bag, and left.

She hailed a cab at the roadside and told the driver Elijah's address.

Images of Elijah's gaunt and haggard face kept popping up in her mind.

She couldn't control her urge to go see him

, and had already made an excuse to go back.

The cab stopped at the entrance of Elijah's house.

As Violette got out

, she saw several cars were parked in the yard.


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