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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 95

Grace was still a bit on edge.

After all, Elijah had a big fight with her over Violette last time.

Around midnight.

Elijah's fever had subsided and he woke up.

A warm orange light was on in the room.

He sat up and saw Melinda crashed out at the side of his bed.

He frowned, got out of bed, and left the room.


The next morning, Melinda woke up to an empty bed, and she felt there was also something missing in her heart.

She rushed downstairs to look for him.

Lacey was surprised, "I've been downstairs the whole time, Mr. Bourne didn't come down!"

Melinda froze, "I came down because he wasn't in the room."

Lacey: "Oh my gosh! Mr. Bourne couldn't have just vanished into thin air!"

With that, Lacey dashed upstairs.

She and Melinda searched every room on the second floor, but no sign of Elijah.

Melinda broke down in tears, "It's all my fault... I slept so soundly last night, I didn't notice when he got out of bed..."

Lacey hurried downstairs, "I'll ask the security guards. If Mr. Bourne left, they would have a record."

Soon enough, Lacey got feedback from the guards.

Elijah hadn't left the house.

Lacey immediately gathered everyone for a full-scale search inside and out of the villa.

Half an hour later, everyone gathered in the living room.

"No sign of him in the front yard."

"Backyard's clear too."


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