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Awake for Love: My Coma Bridegroom novel Chapter 97

"If you’re still feeling under the weather, just chill at home and take a breather," Violette said, then turned to pour herself a glass of water.

"I’m feeling much better today." He took off his scarf.

"That’s what you said yesterday too," Violette replied, setting down her empty glass.

She walked into the living room and noticed the gifts

on the floor.

"What’s with the present?" she asked.

"Thought it would be rude to show up empty-handed," he replied, then after a pause, changed the subject, "I only found out today that you went back last night."

"Did you come all the way here just to tell me that?" Violette sat down on the couch, looking at his gaunt face.

There was a distance of more than a meter between them.

"About Melinda and me..."

"I don’t want to hear about it," she cut him off. "Whatever is going on between you and Melinda, I couldn’t care less."

Seeing her cold demeanor, Elijah felt a profound sense of helplessness.

"Are you about to bring up Derek too?" she retorted, "Elijah, even if he fooled me, I’m the one who’s dealing with the aftermath. I won’t drag you into it, nor will I ask for your help. So quit bringing it up."

Right now, she was acting like a rebellious teenager.

The more he pushed, the more she defied him.

Elijah pressed his lips together, looking tired and deep in thought about her words.

Violette was feeling a bit peckish.

She got up and went to the kitchen, where her mom had left breakfast.

Grabbing some cereals, she returned to the couch.

As she ate with relish, he watched her with intense eyes.

"Anything else you want to say?" she asked, after she’d had her fill. "If not, you can leave now."

"I’d like to stay for lunch," he said.


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