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Back and Better book novel Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven “First mark”

Amira POV

I pull back from our kiss and take a deep breath to talk, but that breath is shoved out of me as Damon pushes me against the row of lockers behind us and kisses me with everything he’s got.

*******g mine” he whispers in my ear before taking my bottom lip in between his teeth and biting it harshly. I let out a small whimper that he swallows with his lips.

We make out like there’s not tomorrow and I must say, Damon is the most talented kisser l’ve ever encountered. And I’ve made out with my fair share of people.

When we finally break away our breathing is heavy and we’re both panting.

“Wait, Damon, we need to talk about this” I breathe out. He presses small kisses across my jaw and down my neck.

“Damon. I don’t do PDA” I growl as the first of students start trickling in. “Fine” He growls, grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder before walking out of the school. I huff. “Put me down!” I demand, and only get a harsh slap on my ass in return.

Damon carries me all the way to his car, where he seats me in the passenger side and buckles my seatbelt for me.

“Damon, enough. I can buckle my own seatbelt!” I assert once he sits down in the drivers seat. He clearly didn’t like my tone because when he turns to stare at me his eyes are dark and dangerous.

“Amira, I will absolutely do that. You are my mate, meaning I will one hundred percent give this relationship my all. And my all consists of carrying you places, doing things for you, buying things for you, and f*****g you so hard that you can’t walk.”

Warmth pools in my core at his words and I freeze. Did his dominating caveman thing just get me wet? No… no way! I watch as he inhales deeply before smiling at me.

“So you like it rough, huh?” he asks, leaning over the console and placing his hand on my thigh, squeezing dominatingly.

“I know you’re a virgin, Mira, but have you ever touched yourself?” he asks, sliding his hand up until it’s dangerously close to my core.

My breath catches as I shake my head. He then cups my p***y through the fabric of my jeans. “Has anyone else ever touched you down here?” he asks, rubbing slightly. I moan lightly and shake my head. “Good. Because this p***y is mine, just like you’re mine. Everything about you is mine.”.. Before I have the chance to protest he smacks my thigh causing me to gasp.

“Don’t fight me on this, Amira. I’m the next Alpha of Alpha’s, and possessive won’t be a strong enough way to describe me when it comes to you. And judging by the way your breathing just hitched, you like being dominated and having someone be possessive over you.”

— — He’s f*****g right


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