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Back and Better book novel Chapter 30

Chapter Thirty The Delta Pt. 1 Amira POV

I wake up, feeling genuinely well rested for the first time in a hot minute. There’s an arm draped around my waist that’s holding me snugly to my most dominant mate. I smile to myself at how Damon listened to me being a little b***h and still validated me. Still showed me the love that I’ll never admit I so desperately want.

I slowly untangle myself from his hold, but he lets out a low growl. “Don’t you know not to run away from a wolf?” He questions, opening his eyes. “I thought you were asleep,” I admit, giving him a small smile. “I was until you assumed you were free to leave me as you please.”

Taking a hold of my arm, he pulls me back so I’m cuddling him. My leg and arm are both draped over his torso. One of his hands cups my ass, and the other is around me, holding me securely to him.

I lay there for a few minutes, head on his chest, reveling in the feeling of just being with him. A knock on the door sounds, and I shift my leg to get off the bed, but Damon grabs it in a former grip. .. “Mine,” he growls in my ear, before beckoning whoever’s at the door to enter.

  1. The nanny carefully steps in, offering Damon and I a warm smile.

“Meda’s been a bit fussy and I think she needs her mother and fathers. Erebus and Christian are busy with border patrols right now, but would you like to check on her?”

I tense at the words “mother and father”. “Sister and Sisters mate,” I correct. The nanny’s eyes widen. “Of course, my apologies.”

With that, the nanny turns to leave. This time when I remove myself from Damon’s arms he doesn’t pull me back, instead standing up to go check on Meda with me.

We walk to the nursery hand in hand, and I see Meda lying in the nanny’s arms. But, as the nanny described, she is crying.

“Has she been fed and changed?” I question, walking up to take her from the woman’s arms. “Yes, Luna. Of course.”

I carefully pick up Meda, and as soon as she’s settled in my arms, she quiets down. I pepper her head with kisses.

Chapter 30 1

Chapter 30 2

Chapter 30 3


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