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Back and Better book novel Chapter 5

Chapter Five “One thousand four hundred and thirty eight”

The next morning I wake up at 6:15 and take a shower. Mornings have never been an issue for me.

After showering and blow drying my hair I head to my closet to grab one of the three outfits I brought. Yeah, shopping is a must. It’s a cute blue dress with a flare skirt that goes about mid-thigh. I pair it with black heels and a black jean jacket, and grab my Michael Kors backpack already filled with my supplies, and head downstairs. To my surprise, both my brothers and Antha are already in the kitchen. Checking my apple watch I see that it’s only 6:45.

“Well hello, my favorite brothers” I say to the boys, pecking them all on their heads. When I get to Antha she actually pulls me onto her lap.

Yeah, we’re that close. The table they sit at has an assortment of breakfast foods on it, and everyone is enjoying themselves. “Who cooked?” I ask. “I did” Damon says. I must say I’m impressed. Thear a big yawn as my pathetic excuse of a fake brother walks in. He looks up and freezes when he sees me. “Mom? Dad?” He calls out. Why would fake mom and dad be in the packhouse? My dad rushes into the kitchen, followed by my mom. My mom is holding a baby. Two months old, tops. “Oh, no” I whisper. Please don’t let it be theirs. God, I wouldn’t wish what I went through upon my worst enemy. “Sweetheart?” My mom asks: “Is she yours?” I ask. “Yeah” My father responds. – I get off of Samantha’s lap and walk over to them.

“Listen to me, and listen very well. What I went through drove me to suicide. Don’t you dare let that happen to this little girl. Give her attention, love, and care. Make her feel like you will trust anything she tells you. Do the opposite of what you did with me. As the daughter of Alpha Anatol, that is a god damn order. If I hear a peep about her not getting cared for, I’m taking her away from you. Am I clear?”.

“Daughter of Anatol?” My mom whispers, rocking my screaming little sister. “Correct. And sister of next in line Alpha Damon.” Damon says, walking up to me.

“They adopted me. They’re the family the goddess blessed me with after seeing how my blood relatives were not a family.”

My sister starts screaming louder, making my heart ache. I hold out my arms. “What’s her name?” My mother passes her straight over. “Meda. Her name is Meda.”

As soon as Meda settles in my arms, she quiets and goes straight to sleep. I smile and feel a tear fall down my face.

God, the love I feel for this tiny human that I met a minute ago is vast. — “My beautiful little Meda.” I whisper. “How did you do that?” My dad asks. I wipe my tear on my shoulder and look at him.

“I let her feel the love I have for her. That’s how. As a big sister, this little girl is now one of my top priorities, like it or not. So regardless of what you want you are about to be seeing a lot more of me. Even if that means I take the two f*****g hour drive up here.”

“Sweetheart, why would we not want that?” My mother asks. “You sure never wanted to see me for the first sixteen years of my life.” I comment. I see guilt pass over their

.. . “Show me how to properly prepare a bottle.” I request. My dad goes to fetch the bottle and powder, and shows me

the ratio. He goes to put the bottle in the microwave but I stop him.

“No. Run it under warm water.” My mother and I say in unison.

I glance at her, offering her a small smile. I quickly realize what I’m doing and carefully compose my face into a blank mask. I clear my throat.

“Hand me the bottle, please.” My dad does as asked.

Meda. She squirms a bit and I shush her lowly.

“It’s okay, baby. Sissy’s got you. You have nothing to worry about.” The squirming stops, and Meda promptly starts her breakfast. “Alright. While the baby’s eating, who wants to feed me?” I ask the boys. Jason groans. “I’ll do it.” He loads up a plate of pancakes and bacon, and baby feeds me bites. I pull back and giggle.

“This is hilarious. I’m feeding a baby while getting fed like a baby.” I comment, causing my real family to chuckle.

My parents look at me in shock. “You’re letting someone feed you?” They ask.

I shrug. “When I trust someone enough to help me, and I need the help, I ask for it. In five minutes we have a meeting and then school. If feeding my little sister means I need to be spoon fed, so be it.”

The energy in the room changes as Erebus walks in, and Meda stirs. “Shhhh, it’s okay, baby. Ignore the big bad alpha, Mira’s got you.” Again, she calms down. As soon as Jason feeds me another bight I hear Erebus growl. “Mine!” he says, stepping towards me.


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