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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 

The male students were equally enamored. They whispered among themselves

Man, she’s so classyl 

I just thought of something to describe herWhat was it again?” 

That she’s a goddess and you want her?” 

Yeah, exactly. Don’t you think she’s a true lady?” 

Ms. Lowe’s always been so goddesslike. I’ve decided to focus on my education from now on. That way, I’ll be able to marry her in the future” 

Yeah, right. Look at how ugly you are. Do you think you’re worthy of her?” 

Fuck you. Don’t go anywhere after classfight me!” 

Meanwhile, Wanda prodded Carlisle’s elbow and asked, Do you like Ms. Lowe’s dress?” 

He hadn’t taken his eyes off Susan since she’d entered the room. Carlisle grinned. “It’s not half bad!” 

Susan’s style wouldn’t be considered oldfashioned even after more than a decade from now

Wanda blinked. Do you think I’d look good in a dress like that?” 

Carlisle imagined what she would look like in that dress. Wanda was about five feet and five inches, and she was slender. There was a sort of ladylike air about herSusan’s dress, coupled with the sense of innocence Wanda exuded, would be a great idea

You’re gorgeous, Wanda. You’d look good in anything!Carlisle chuckled

If he really had to choose something that would look good on Wanda, he thought she’d look best in princesslike, pouffy dresses. She’d look amazing with her hair tied in two pigtails

It was too bad there weren’t any such outfits in the country at this point. People would only start producing them sometime in the future


Still, Carlisle supposed he could kick start the process a little earlier once he had some extra money.. 

Silence, everyone!Susan rapped the table lightly, and everyone fell silent. She continued, You’re all going to go through military training for the next half a month to improve your health and stamina. This is your trainer, Lawrence Hanson.” 

She turned to Lawrence. I’ll leave them to you, Mr. Hanson.” 

Thanks.Lawrence smiled

Susan gave the students a meaningful look before leaving the classroom. As soon as she left, everyone seemed to lose interest in the remainder of the class. They slumped in their seats

Sit up straight!Lawrence slammed the table, shooting a sharp gaze over the class. It scared the 

Chapter 122 

students and made them sit up straight

“I don’t care what you’re like in other classes, but when I’m running things, I want all of you to do as I say. He put his hands behind his back and slowly walked down the aisle. His face was devoid of emotion, but he exuded an air of oppression. None of the students dared to breathe loudly, let alone speak

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Lawrence Hanson, and I’m a retired soldier. I’ve also been selected as Riverland University’s best trainer for seven years in a row! Oh, and I have a nicknameBig L.” 


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