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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123 

Lawrence quickly went over his life as a soldier from recruitment to retirement. At the same time, he gave the students some lessons in patriotism. Then, he briefed them on the training schedule. They would train from 7:30 am to 11:30 am and then from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm

At the end of the training, there would be a bonfire party

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Lawrence said, Training starts tomorrow. Since it’s your first day tomorrow, I hope to see all of you present half an hour earlier than scheduled. Gather at the field at 7:00 am sharp. Do you hear me?” 

Yes, sir.The students didn’t look too happy at having to gather a whole hour earlier than the time their 

classes usually started

Are you guys starving or something? Louder!Lawrence barked

Yes, sir!the students shouted

Good, Dismissed!He strode out of the class with his hands behind his back

Ugh. I hate military training!Phoebe slumped on her table, putting her jaw on top of it. She looked glum

Wanda pouted..Me, too. The sun’s been shining so brightly latelyI know I’m gonna get a sunburn after the training!” 

They’d already been through military training during high school. Though her family had treated her like a princess when growing up, she wasn’t the coy type and had never complained no matter how tough things got. She was actually fine with getting sunburnt

Now, however, she was a little worried. She wasn’t particularly pretty, and the only thing that made her stand out amongst the prettiest students on campus was her fair skin. If she were to lose that advantage, would Carlisle be disdainful of her

The thought of that made Wanda’s eyes turn a little red. She pinched Carlisle’s arm and said with grievance, You can’t scorn me, Carlisle…” 

Huh? Why would I do that?He grabbed her hand and played with it

She pulled it back like she’d been zapped. Then, afraid he would take it the wrong way, she explained in at soft voice, We’re still in class!” 

Carlisle rubbed his nose and smiled. Answer me, then. Why would I scorn you?” 

Welleven if I get a sunburn from the military training, you can’t get mad at me!she mumbled as she 

lowered her head

Carlisle was happy to see how cautious she was. He said tenderly, I’ll never be disappointed or mad at you, silly.” 

His tenderness got Wanda right in the heart. Tears filled her eyes, but they were tears of happiness. They overwhelmed her. In truth, she was easily satisfiedeven a simple promise or a small expression of love 


Chapter 123 

was enough to make her happy

God, could you two stop being so sweet?” 

I’ve had enough. Enough!” 

Behind them, Phoebe’s deskmate, Tim Weal, couldn’t take it anymore. He gave them both reproachful 


Wanda blushed and slumped on her desk, no longer daring to look at Carlisle.. 


The next few classes were for them to selfstudy. Most of the students didn’t have cell phones, so they 


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