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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 


No, I just think you should focus on your education since you’re still young. It won’t be too late for you to start dating after you graduate!Gordon advised seriously

Carlisle could tell his father was hiding something from him. He quickly guessed that Zachary had pressured his parents

Gordon sighed and continued, Besides, I heard that the young lady comes from a good family. Our family is no match for theirs, so you should break up with her. Don’t distract her from her studies!” 

Alright, I know what to do.Carlisle tightened his grip on his cutlery. All he wanted to do was have a simple relationship with the woman he loved. He wondered why things had to be so hard

Gordon sighed again before hanging up. Carlisle lost his appetite. He took a few more bites of his food before calling Sunny

Good afternoon, Mr. Cig. I’m in the middle of a meeting!Sunny whispered. He wouldn’t have answered the call if it were any other client, but Carlisle was important. If he successfully closed this deal, the commission would be enough to put food on his table for quite some time

Prepare the contract. I’ll head over there to sign it right now.Carlisle hung up immediately after saying that

Sunny almost jumped with excitement when he heard Carlisle’s words. He’d earn just over 4000 dollars in commission for each unit, which meant he’d get a total of 24 thousand dollars from selling these six units. It was equivalent to the amount a regular individual would earn in two years

The manager, Bill Dawson, flung a magazine at him and barked, Haven’t I told you guys that you’re not allowed to take calls during meetings?” 

That was a big client, Mr. DawsonSunny had graduated from university a year ago. He’d interviewed for jobs at companies that fit his major, but he’d felt like there wasn’t much of a future working for them

To train and upskill himself, he’d gotten a job as a realtor. This was his second year in saleshe wasn’t the best at sales and had almost gotten fired a few times. Now that he’d stumbled upon this rare opportunity, he had to give it his best

A big client? How big?Bill’s eyes gleamed slyly

When Sunny saw that he seemed to be appeased, he said, This client wants to buy all our listings at 

Riverwatch District. We have six in total now.” 

Are you sure?Bill looked wary. Many people had moved out of Riverwatch District, and there weren’t any commercial businesses there to improve the economy. Why would anyone be silly enough to purchase property there

Positive! He’s already on his way here to sign the contract!Despite his words, Sunny’s eyes darted around. He wasn’t actually too confident

Sunny thought Carlisle had sounded young over the phone and probably wasn’t over 20. He doubted if 

Chapter 124 

Carlisle was capable of purchasing all six units in one go

You’re still too young, Sunny. You have no idea how cruel society can be sometimes. I’m almost positive you’ve been tricked this time around!Bill took a sip of his water. He continued, Since you haven’t brought in any sales for the past five months, the company’s decided to fire you

The first half of Bill’s sentence had moved Sunnyhe thought Bill was teaching him a life lesson. Then, he widened his eyes in shock at the latter half. YYou’re firing me, Mr. Dawson?” 

The property at Riverwatch District had never been easy to sell, and their branch focused on selling secondhand properties. Hadn’t his colleagues also gone without sales over the past half a year

Bill pulled out a bunch of 100dollar bills from his briefcase. Here’s 2000 dollars. It’s enough to cover five 

months of your basic pay!” 


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