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Back to the Past Breaking the Love Spell (Carlisle Zahn) novel Chapter 140

Chaper 140 

Chapter 140 

Though phones are used for communication, youngsters nowadays use them for internet browsing. If there are no buttons, how will they type?Logan asked

We can develop a keyboard that allows users to freely switch between the default, voice, and handwriting input methods!” 

Carlisle drew rough outlines of all the input methods on the draft paper

Hank and Logan widened their eyes in disbelief again

If this keyboard can be developed, it will definitely take the world by storm!” 

Hank was breathing rapidly. Such a keyboard was a brilliant idea. It could meet various typing groupsneeds

Next, let’s discuss this phone’s operating system. I want to develop an intelligent operating system. based on Linux.” 

Carlisle used the Android system as a prototype and elaborated on the smartphone operating system

Logan and Hank quickly took notes as he explained

Carlisle made Kenny get off work since this was not his expertise

In the meeting room, Carlisle had an indepth discussion with Logan and Hank

Time flew by, and it was already midnight

There was now a thick stack of draft papers surrounding Logan and Hank. Each paper contained the most 

crucial business secret

Around 2:00 am, Carlisle finally completed his explanation of the smartphone operating system

Logan took a deep breath. Admiration was shining in her eyes as she looked at Carlisle

She then asked, Mr. Zahn, how did you come up with such an operating system?” 

Carlisle smiled and said, I had a dream. I used a phone like this in my dream, so I wanted to make it


Logan looked at the draft papers. Her eyes darkened. With our company’s R&D team, I’m afraid it’s very 

difficult to develop such a phone system!” 

Riley Corporation was just a knockoff phone company, and most of its R&D personnel were mediocre

Riley phonesoperating system were also modified from the generic button phone operating system available in the market. She did not have the confidence to develop such an advanced system

Carlisle leaned back in his chair. He tapped the desktop lightly

He shifted his gaze to Hank, who was smoking, and asked, Hank, are you confident?” 

My skills aren’t at that level, either!Hank shook his head. The usual arrogance he had was now gone

This wasn’t about hacking or web pages anymore. It was a macrolevel smartphone operating system

Carlisle was no longer just a gaming studio’s boss. He was now the boss of a company with 16 hundred 


Hank felt exceptionally small compared to Carlisle, so much so that he lost his confidence when he spoke

The three of them sat in silence. Their burning enthusiasm was instantly put out

Suddenly, Logan said, I have an uncle who works as a technology development executive at Apple. Maybe we can consult him!” 


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